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Our Simple boarding agreement

To help protect you, your pets and our staff we have the following agreement in place with our customers. Please take the time to read and understand this agreement. You’ll be asked to sign this agreement before boarding your dog with us. It’s short, simple, and to the point. The bottom line is we want your pets to be as safe as possible while in our care. To do that we need your help!

Our Agreement:

To best of my knowledge, this pet has no contagious diseases and is current with rabies, parvo, distemper, and bordetella vaccines.

Canine County Club does its best to keep your pet clean during its stay. If your pet stays 5-nights or longer, it is entitled to a complimentary bath. If you desire your dog to be bathed, but it is not a 5-night stay then baths will be offered at the posted rate.

 If your plans should change and will be picking your dog up before the scheduled day, then you must give us 48-hour notice, in advance, or pay for all days reserved. When giving notice of early departure, please let us know if you would still like to receive your complementary bath.

I grant permissions for Canine Country Club's employees to care for my pet in my absence. I understand that all reasonable measures shall be taken to prevent loss, injury or illness and accept all risks therein during its visit.

If you have any questions or concerns about our agreement, services or policies, please call us @ 309-745-3911 or contact us.